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Can you tell me about your gallery?

BOSS art gallery was founded in 2008,  with enthusiasm towards exploring various contemporary art forms, reflecting on human nature, and zeitgeists of contemporary times, with a particular focus on human rights issues and subculture phenomena.

Who are the artists; Artworks this time in NAF?

Artists featured in the first installment of Night Art Fair Taipei will be:  Lee Tekkhean, Xue Song, Wei Jia, Otomo Shouhei, and Nara Yoshitomo. 

The reason for curating these artworks/ artists for NAF?

The artists featured in this art fair are pushing against authoritarianism, and feudalism. Striving for democratic and human rights avocation. All of which are topics that are core fundamental values of Boss Art Gallery. 

Why participate NAF?

Boss Art Gallery is interested in the ideas and themes surrounding Night Art Fair Taipei. Night Art Fair operates as an alternative space in which the public can view art outside the 9 – 5 working schedule. The Themes surrounding Night Art Fair subverts the standard of conventional galleries and fairs alike, we really like this provocative approach to exhibition